Small Ruminant Services

Herd Health:

We strive to provide the best care for your herd in each unique situation.   We have several vaccination and deworming protocols for sheep, goats (both meat and dairy) alpacas and llamas.

General Medicine:

We offer many services related to general medicine including individual animal and herd medicine.  Our trucks are equipped to handle care and treatment of animals ranging from newborn lambs and kids to adult animals both on farm and at the clinic.  Our in house lab is capable of analyzing blood from sick or down animals, giving us insight into electrolyte status and internal organ function.  We can perform fecal egg counts and prescribe appropriate anthelminthic treatment. We strongly encourage post mortem exams and work closely with the Iowa State University and University of Nebraska Lincoln diagnostic laboratories to achieve a reliable diagnosis and ensure the proper steps are taken to effectively treat and prevent the spread of disease.

Routine Surgery:

Surgery options that we provide include surgical dehorning with sedation and cautery, replacing prolapses of the rectum, vagina, uterus, and cesarean sections.  We do have a clean temperature controlled surgery room in which any of these surgeries can be performed.

Reproductive services:

We offer breeding soundness exams which can be performed on the farm or at the clinic.  We suggest semen testing your bucks or rams prior to exposing them to females to help ensure effective mating.  Our portable ultrasounds make pregnancy exams easy for you and your animal as they can be done in any lighting condition without the need for electricity.

Emergency Services:

We have a veterinarian on call 24 hours a day to assist with the emergency care of your flock.  After hours services such as:  illness, dystocias, uterine prolapse replacement, and cesareans are some but not all of the emergency/surgical services we offer both on the farm or at the clinic.  


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Our Regular Schedule


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5:00 PM


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5:00 PM


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5:00 PM


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5:00 PM


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5:00 PM


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