

Due to the blizzard our office will be closed today. Limited emergency services will be available as roadways permit.


As the next wave of winter storms approach make sure that your animals both inside and out have plenty of fresh, non-frozen water available to them at all times. And keep in mind, in the cooler weather more food will need to be metabolized in order to maintain body heat.


We are pleased to announce an open house of our new small animal addition. The open house will be held here at the clinic Monday, August 3rd from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We will be serving light refreshments and giving tours. Hope to see you there!


Our construction project is nearing completion. We are only waiting on flooring and some last minute touch ups before we can begin utilizing the space. We look forwarding to allowing for a more comfortable visit for you and your pets.



As winter comes into full swing be sure to have plenty of fresh non frozen water available to your animals at all times.  Cold weather is also a time where fleas do their best to find a warm place to over winter.  Don't allow this to be on your animal or within your home.  Be sure to stay current on flea preventatives all year long.  If you do find fleas on your animal we recommend having your home professionally exterminated, as this will sterilize the eggs laid by adult fleas that could already be in fabrics and carpets.  Flea baths along with preventatives for your animal and extermination will help prevent re-infestation.  


For those of you that are not aware, we are adding onto our clinic!  We are very excited about the additional space for both large and small animals.  The building will allow us to serve our entire client base better.



Colder weather is approaching, but now is not the time to neglect heartworm and flea/tick preventatives. Mosquitos are still very prevalent especially with all the rainfall lately.  Be sure to stay up to date on your heartworm preventatives either year round or at the very least one month past a hard freeze.  Fall/winter is also the time where fleas are looking for a warm place to reside.  Don't allow your pet and your home to be this safe heaven.  Flea preventatives are recommended for year round protection against these parasites.  


Looking for a way to stay dry while working in this rainy August weather? We have just the solution for you. We're excited to introduce to you- BOGS! Bogs are boots that can fit everyone's needs. We carry a variety of styles for men, women and children at our feed store in Minden. Contact Al or stop by Minden to view our selection of boots. If you can't find a style that's for you, we would be happy to order any style boot from the Bogs catalog. You can find the catalog by clicking the logo below.



We're happy to offer a new oral flea and tick preventative called BRAVECTO! This new product gives an alternative way to prevent your dogs from getting fleas and ticks without the hastle/mess of topical application. Bravecto is available for dogs 6 months and older and consists of a one time treatment that lasts for 3 months. Stop in today to pick up Bravecto!



Hope everyone had an enjoyable and safe 4th of July weekend. The heat of the summer is upon us. Be sure your pets have adequate fresh water available at all times and a cool place to rest. Never leave your pets in the car while not running, even for those "just ran inside" trips. Temperatures rise extremely quickly in those greenhouse environments.


Summer is here, don't forget to get your pet checked for heartworm and started on preventatives as we enter into mosquito season. We are also seeing a lot of ticks this year, be sure your pets are on flea and tick preventatives to protect them from tick borne diseases such as lyme disease


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